Happy Welder Day!

The last Friday of May is traditionally considered the Day of the Welder. And although this holiday is not marked as a red day on the calendar, but it burns with a bright arc in the heart of every welder!

Fire in your eyes, it’s hot in your heart!
Pull a familiar shield on your face,
Metal, like a material, sews together welding,
And the air bursts like a worker.
You are a master - this can be seen from work!
Happy welder, buddy! For you!
Work boldly, to the full sweat,
And do not spare the secret fire!
Let there be enough strength not only for work,
Let the family wait at dinner,
May the Welder be strong Health,
And faithful friends will be near!

The staff of the Penz Hydro Mash plant sincerely congratulates their colleagues on their professional holiday! Let your eyes shine with happiness as much as the fire of a burner!

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